
Salisbury Steak

There are literally hundreds of recipes for Salisbury Steak out on the internet. I’ve tried a few over 2017 and I found one that I altered slightly that was amazing. Of course, when I went back to find it, I could not, for the life of me, remember where it was, so I did what I could, from memory, with some things tweaked I’m sure, and came up with this recipe for it. I can definitely say that it didn’t disappoint. In fact, it was pretty delicious.

Snowball Cookies

Alright, I’m making a public announcement here, just for the record… I have never made these cookies before. Granted, there’s a few things I’ve never made before that are put up here, but if it’s super delicious I just say ‘hey, this worked out!’ So I made these cookies, and the ‘batter’ came out like.. …

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White Chocolate Peppermint Cake Mix Cookies

So, I had 3 boxes of cake mix, two red velvet and one vanilla and so I decided to try this ‘cake mix cookie’ thing that people just rave over. I did the crackle cookies which is where you mix the cake mix with the eggs and just some melted butter, roll it into balls and dip it into a powdered sugar/cornstarch mix and bake. Don’t get me wrong, they weren’t gross, they just weren’t COOKIES! They were more like little, rounded cake bites.